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You guys need to get the word out because we didn't sell a single shell for Valentine's Day. What's more romantic than a cannon ball? Hurry up and get your projectiles before the metal tariffs kick in.

U00904 - Confederate Girardey Percussion Fuse

Item Number: U00904

Item Title: Confederate Girardey Percussion Fuse

Price: $195

Shipping: Not included

Provenance: CS


Shell Type:

Thread Diameter:

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Location Recovered: Richmond defenses

Description:The Girardey percussion fuse element was an ingenious device to turn time fuses into percussion fuses. Throughout the war the Confederate Army was constantly requesting more percussion fuses, but they couldn't get many. The Gurardey fit in the fuse adapter as a paper time fuse would have.

I acquired this from Pete George, co-author of the "Red Bible" reference book on field artillery projectiles of the American Civil War.

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