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M00634 - 1848 dated M1840 Ames Artillery Saber
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Item Number: M00634

Item Title: 1848 dated M1840 Ames Artillery Saber

Price: $650

Shipping: Not included

Provenance: US




Location Recovered:

Description:M1840 Artiller saber made by Ames and dated 1848. Although the Mexican American War ended in 1848, its unlike;ly this saber made it to that conflict, but highly likely it was used in the American Civil War. It's doubtful anyone would've had the scabbard nickel plated if it wasn't some kind of war trophy.

The sword is loose in the scabbard which is missing the throat piece to hold the saber fast. Also, the wire wrap is missing on the saber's handle. This is a nice saber at an excellent price.