Item Number: L00147
Title: Huge Civil War Book Collection from Estate
Price: Reasonable!
Shipping: Not included
Description:We're trying to help a widow move the books her late husband collected over the years. If any strike your interest, we'll communicate a price below what similar books are selling for on Amazon or eBay. We're not taking a cut on any of these, but would be thirlled not to have to haul them all around to shows for the next few years! Any you want can be hand delivered at the upcoming Franklin Show, however.
Here's a list:
1) Richmond Howitzers in the War by Frederick S. Daniel
2) Under the Stars and Bars -- A History of the Surry Light Artillery
3) The Memoirs of Colonel John S. Mosby
4) History of Company "c" 14th Regiment, N.C.V. Army of Northern Virginia by Major W.A. Smith
5) 331+ Essential Tips and Tricks, A How-to Guide for the Gun Collector by Stuart C. Mowbry
6) 11th Edition of Confederate States Paper Money, edited by George S. Cuhaj
7) A Keystone Rebel. The Civil War Diary of Joseph Garey, Hudson's Battery Mississippi Volunteers
8) Peculiar Honor, A History of the 28th Texas Cavalry 1862-1865
9) Jack Burd's Civil War Source Book, 4th Edition
10) Mosby's Rangers by Jeffry D. Wert
11) Memoirs of the War of Succession From the Original Manuscripts of Johnson Hagood Brigadier General CSA
12) Handbook of Confederate Swords by William A. Albaugh and Richard D. Steuart
13) The Confederate Cherokees. John Drew's Regiment of Mounted Rifles by W. Craig Gaines
14) Recollections of an Old Dominion Dragoon. The Civil War Experiences of Sgt. Robert S. Hudgins II Co. B, 3rd Virginia Cavalry
15) Ham Chamberlayne -- Virginian. Letters and Papers of an Artillery Officer in the War for Southern Independence 1861-1865
16) Up Came Hill. The Story of the Light Division and its Leaders by Martin Schenck
17) North Carolina Civil War Documentary edited by W. Buck Yearns and John G. Barrett
18) Norfolk Blues. The Civil War Diary of the Norfolk Light Artillery Blues by Ken Wiley
19) The Insiders' Guide to the Civil War in the Eastern Theater
20) Chapalins in Gray. The Confederate Chaplains' Story by Charles F. Pitts
21) The Guilford Grays
22 and 23) Warmans Civil War Collectibles 1st and 3rd editions
24) Confederate Odyssey. The George W. Wray Civil War Collection at the Atlanta History Center by Gordon L. Jones
25) Rebel Private: Front and Rear. Memoirs of a Confederate Soldier
26) General Stand Watie's Confederate Indians by Frank Cunningham
27) Ranger Mosby by Virgil Carrington Jones
28) Gray Ghosts of the Confederacy. Guerilla Warfare in the West 1861-1865 by Richard S. Brownley
29) Eight Hours Before Richmond by Virgil Carrington Jones
30) Lee's Tarheels. The Pettigrew-Kirkland-MacRae Brigade by Earl J. Hess
31) Butler & His Cavalry in the War of Seccession 1861-1865. The South Carlina Brigade by U.R. Brooks
32) The History of a Brigade of South Carolinians First Known as "Gregg's" and Subsequently as "McGowan's Brigade" by J. F. J. Caldwell
33) Georgia's Record in the Revolution of 1861. Heroes and Martyrs of Georgia
34) The Confederate Regimental History Series. The 5th and 7th Battalions North Carolina Cavalry and the 6th North Carolina Cavalry (65th North Carolina Troops) By Jeffrey C. Weaver
Phew!!! Some of these titles ar ridiculously long! Help a brother out by buying these please!