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You guys need to get the word out because we didn't sell a single shell for Valentine's Day. What's more romantic than a cannon ball? Hurry up and get your projectiles before the metal tariffs kick in.

A00419 - Wood sabot for 32pdr cannon ball from Pete George collection

Item Number: F00419

Item Title: Wood sabot for 32pdr cannon ball from Pete George collection

Price: $45

Shipping: Not included

Provenance: CS


Size: 32pdr

Sabot: Wood



Location Recovered: Castle Pinckney, SC

Description:A big chunk of wood sabot for a 32pdr spherical shell / cannon ball. I got this a couple years ago from Pete George, co-author of the "Field Artillery Projectiles of the American Civil War." He told me that the late Greg Craven received permission to dig a mound at Castle Pinckney in Charleston Harbor and recovered numerous mortar balls on their sabots inside.

Wood is hard and has a nice curvature to hold the cannon ball. Unfortunately some of the wood is missing, but what remains is well preserved.

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