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You guys need to get the word out because we didn't sell a single shell for Valentine's Day. What's more romantic than a cannon ball? Hurry up and get your projectiles before the metal tariffs kick in.

A01759 - Rarity 9 Hotchkiss shell for the 20pdr Parrott

Item Number: A01759

Item Title: Rarity 9 Hotchkiss shell for the 20pdr Parrott

Price: $1450

Shipping: Not included

Provenance: US

Type: Hotchkiss shell

Size: 20pdr

Sabot: Lead driving band

Fuse: Wood time fuse adapter (missing)

Dickey and George (1993 Edition) Page 175

Location Recovered: Charleston, SC area

Description:This is probably a rarity 10 shell rather than 9 as the write-up in D&G states that "a couple of wood-fuzed specimens are known, including one from Vicksburg." I don't see any threads for a percussion fuze.

There is desirable patent writing on the base, but it is faint (although not as faint as it appears in the base photo below). An inertiing hole through the sabot can be filled if desired for aesthetics as the shell is open at the fuse.

The Hotchkiss projectile was Tom Dickey's favorite. We have 3 or 4 very uncommon Hotchkiss projectiles listed now, and I can safely say that we will never have this many uncommon Hotchkisses available at the same time again. They just don't come available so we hope our wonderful customers aren't getting complacent with this surfeit of riches!

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