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You guys need to get the word out because we didn't sell a single shell for Valentine's Day. What's more romantic than a cannon ball? Hurry up and get your projectiles before the metal tariffs kick in.

A01742 - Confederate 12pdr Canister Round Dug Together in One Hole
Sorry, this item is no longer available!

Item Number: A01742

Item Title: Confederate 12pdr Canister Round Dug Together in One Hole

Price: $625

Shipping: Not included

Provenance: CS

Type: Canister

Size: 12pdr




Location Recovered: Milford, VA

Description:This is one of six 12pdr canister rounds dug together in one hole in Milford, Virginia. I acquired all 6 last Spring and this is the last one available.

I had Dave Gotter secure them up a bit with lots of Super Glue. Despite this, I'm hesitant to ship this one. I will be traveling up and down the Eastern seaboard in late January and could drop it off on the way to or from the Dalton Show (or at it). Free shipping would be a bonus!