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You guys need to get the word out because we didn't sell a single shell for Valentine's Day. What's more romantic than a cannon ball? Hurry up and get your projectiles before the metal tariffs kick in.

A01730 - Flanged Sawyer Percussion Shell

Item Number: A01730

Item Title: Flanged Sawyer Percussion Shell

Price: $2250

Shipping: Not included

Provenance: US

Type: Flanged Sawyer Percussion Shell

Size: 3.67in

Sabot: Iron flanges covered with lead sheath

Fuse: Brass Sawyer Percussion

Dickey and George (1993 Edition) Page 296

Location Recovered: Port Hudson, LA

Description:This shell has been in my personal collection for years. It is in very nice condition with patent information markings stamped in the lead on the base and the numer 14 1/2 stamped by the nose. It displays beautifully, but there has been some rusting through the thin lead coat over a couple of the flanges on the back.

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