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We have a busy upcoming show schedule with the Mansfield show May 4th & 5th and Gettysburg again in late June. 2 more shows on the calendar for July and another in August!

Hope to see many of you at one of these shows.

A01132 - 20pdr short pattern Parrott shell

Item Number: A01132

Item Title: 20pdr short pattern Parrott shell

Price: $325

Shipping: Not included

Provenance: US

Type: Parrott shell

Size: 20pdr

Sabot: Iron

Fuse: Parrott time fuse adapter

Dickey and George (1993 Edition) Page 219

Location Recovered: Chickasaw Bayou, just north of Vicksburg

Description:The short pattern 20pdrs are much less common than the long ones and all 20pdrs are uncommon because the 20pdr Parrott was a lousy cannon that had the unfortunate tendency to blow up in the cannoneer's faces.

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